Coconut Palm Sugar

The best quality of Crystallized Coconut Sugar, Coconut Crystal Sugar for industry

Multi Sari Pangan provides coconut sugar with various variants of coconut sugar based on shape or texture, color, and process. One of them is Crystal Coconut Sugar or Crystallized Coconut Sugar. The variant of crystal coconut sugar is also known as Coconut Crystal...

The best Granulated Coconut Sugar product in industry

Granulated coconut sugar is a type of coconut sugar from several forms of coconut sugar that is produced and distributed for various industrial needs. Some time this granulated coconut sugar is also called as Granular coconut sugar. Other type of granules coconut...

The 7 Advantages of coconut sugar product for industry and health

Multi Sari Pangan is a company engaged in the field of food products such as coconut sugar product or coconut palm sugar, and sells these quality products for the local market and export market. Coconut sugar or coconut sugar is also known as coconut sap sugar,...

Benefit of coconut sugar, usage and application in various industries

Multi Sari Pangan runs its business in production and supplying several kinds of food products. One kind of our business is running production and supplying several kinds of Coconut product that its usage is more and more popular and increasing. The popularity and...
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